As a result of his book How Customers Buy…& Why They Don’t making UXPressia’s must read list of business books, Martyn Lewis was asked to share some of the best practices for understanding and mapping Buying Journeys in this webinar, Outside-In: Mapping Buying Journeys for Complex Offerings.

In this session, Martyn Lewis, Founder and CEO of Market-Partners Inc., shares his experience in mapping Buying Journeys and explains how customers are buying differently in today’s world. Martyn uses case studies to underscore the vital importance of mapping a market’s specific Buying Journey.

Via UXPressia

A full replay of the session is available using the link above, and you can download a PDF summary of the event here. Thank you again to UXPressia for having us!


00:00​ – Intro

02:04​ – Event agenda

02:34​ – About Martyn Lewis and Market-Partners Inc.

04:11​ – Why worry about the buying journey

04:49​ – A short history of buying

08:06​ – Third-generation buyers

09:20​ – The gap between how we sell and how customers buy

13:55​ – Flipping the focus to how customers buy and why they don’t

15:47​ – Mapping the buying journey

17:50​ – Mapping the customer buying journey DNA

28:32​ – 7 best practices for buying journey mapping

33:40​ – The 3 fatal mistakes of mapping buying journeys

36:10​ – Q&A: When does the buying journey start if the customer is approached by the salesperson and didn’t initiate the contact

37:08​ – Q&A: Is quantitative data a sufficient substitute for talking to customers?

37:47​ – Case study: The orthopedic surgery buying journey

40:33​ – Case study: An example of the buying journey map

44:45​ – Q&A: How much of servicing or other stages that include the usage of the product should be included in the buyer journey?

45:03​ – Q&A: How critical is it to come up with very specific scenarios/situations to frame up the end-to-end journey mapping? 

45:35​ – Managing the customer buying journey

46:45​ – The 5 elements of the market engagement strategy

51:52​ – Summary

53:06​ – Additional resources

54:02​ – Q&A: Do you tailor several different buyer journeys for several different segments or personas?

56:06​ – Q&A: How to align the journeys for very different businesses?

56:56​ – Q&A: The difference between triggering and engaging

58:10​ – Q&A: Are independent researchers interviewing the same customers?

59:11​ – Q&A: Tips on doing the journey mapping session: how to start and where to go

Written by Market-Partners Inc.
Posted April 23, 2021
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