Last week, Market-Partners Inc. CEO and Founder Martyn Lewis hosted a virtual micro-workshop recapping his Shift ’22 Executive Summit and 2022 SAMA Global Summit sessions....
The Blueprint for Success: A Seismic Checklist
The Blueprint for Success was designed with one goal in mind: enabling sales teams to engage meaningfully with buyers, and stay engaged, by delivering relevant and valuable insight that will positively impact the buying journey.
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More From Market-Partners Inc. and Seismic
30-30 | Reconnecting Sellers to Buyers ’22
Are you unable to make the Shift ’22 Executive Summit or the 2022 SAMA Global Summit? You’re in luck! Market-Partners Inc. CEO and Founder Martyn Lewis will be doing a special follow-up...
Seismic Shift ’22: The Blueprint for Success
Seismic enables organizations to transform go-to-market approaches. Successful adoption depends on more than just technology. The Blueprint for Success provides a pathway and a series of best...