Using Technology to Reconnect Sales and Marketing to Buyers
Unfortunately, in too many instances, technology today is being used to speed up bad marketing and poor selling. Buyers are inundated with e-mails, messages, ads, and calls all claiming to deliver great benefits. The result of this bombardment of content is that the vast majority of individuals simply delete and ignore. Although we are all subjected to this deluge of information and ourselves delete and ignore; somehow, we think our own content will be received differently.
In today’s world, our research clearly shows that buyers typically progress through more than half of their Buying Journey before connecting with a salesperson. We also know that Sales are involved in less than 10% of the buyer’s buying activities. And, sadly, much of the content that is delivered to buyers by Sales and Marketing is seen as little more than worthless and undifferentiated. This results in disconnecting sellers from buyers.
The only way to reconnect sellers to buyers is to take a more precise approach to starting and managing the conversation across the Customer Buying Journey. The goal must be to deliver relevant, personalized, and valuable content to a buyer, and the only way to do that is to know where they are in the Buying Journey, their role, and what would bring them useful insight. This approach is at the opposition of simply pushing more content about your offering at prospects and/or customers.
We work with clients to bring best practices and build a success formula for the adoption of technology to reconnect the activities of customer-facing roles to the buyer using a three-stage approach.
1. Scope
We start by ensuring that there is a focused plan to target the technology into the areas of biggest payoff. This may include assessing current practices and approaches, prioritizing conflicting initiatives and aligning key stakeholders. If there isn’t already a clear understanding of the market’s specific Customer Buying Journey we help to map and decode the Customer Buying Journey DNA. This then produces a clear understanding of the key players, the activities, and touchpoints across the Buying Journey, how they make decisions, what is valued, and their concerns and anxieties. Finally, we create the implementation and change management plan for successful adoption.
2. Setup
With the scope and plan agreed upon, we provide a series of services to set up content, practices, and technology for success. This may include developing the Market Engagement Strategy and Market Messaging. At this stage we can also ensure that the correct content is developed and organized, for optimal sales enablement and buyer engagement.
3. Adoption
At the adoption stage we offer approaches to ensure that Sales are fully enabled and trained to leverage content to engage with their prospects and customers. We provide a simple, yet powerful, approach and tool enabling sales to know where any opportunity is in the Buying Journey, and then how to optimally navigate and positively influence key players through that journey. By using the technology in this new way salespeople have the right content to productively and effectively manage the conversation with their buyers, at the appropriate time in the Buying Journey.
Our Partners
Market-Partners Inc. has a strategic partnership with Seismic and Salesloft, two global leaders in sales technology. Through the adoption of these tools, sales and marketing organizations can align to deliver the right content, to the right player, at the right time, resulting in dramatically improved sales productivity and business results.
By using the three-step approach described above, we enable organizations to gain swift, significant, and sustainable results using these two platform.