We are excited that Martyn Lewis, CEO and Founder of Market-Partners Inc., is a featured highlight at the upcoming Strategic Account Management Association (SAMA) Annual Conference being held later this month. SAMA enables world-class companies to gain competitive advantage and secure market position by helping them build world-class capabilities around strategic account management. The 2021 SAMA Annual Conference brings together the largest virtual, cross-industry community of innovators and decision makers focused on co-creating value with strategic and key customers.

With leaders and decision makers from across the world, representing a who’s-who of market-leading B2B companies, you won’t want to miss out on all the knowledge and contacts you literally can’t find anywhere else.

SAMA, New Paradigms of Engagement Announcement

Martyn will be co-presenting the workshop Account Management from the Outside In, Placing the Focus on the Customer Buying Journeywith Deb Honea from Amazon Web Services. In this highly interactive and engaging presentation Martyn and Deb will share best practices for designing and implementing Outside-In account management practices. They will share:

• How a market’s Buying Journey can be  mapped and the insight this delivers

• How the focus should now being placed on the buying process rather than the sales process

• New approaches to opportunity management focusing on the Buying Journey

• How account planning must focus on the Buying Journey

This workshop will spotlight one of the most dramatic changes seen over recent years in the selling-buying equation: how power has shifted from the seller to the buyer. In today’s information rich, highly competitive markets, the customer is more in control than ever before. That is why companies must reevaluate the fundamentals of account management, including sales process, opportunity management, and account planning. No longer is it possible to consider these actions solely from an internal perspective. It is time to look Outside-In and focus on mapping and managing the Customer Buying Journey. 

Martyn will be leveraging Market-Partners Inc.’s research into the Buying Journey published in his best-selling book, How Customers Buy…& Why They Don’t. Deb will then share her experiences applying these concepts, managing the transformation required to center an organization on the Buying Journey.

Written by Market-Partners Inc.
Posted May 14, 2021

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