It is no surprise that I have been hearing a lot about how we now must sell differently thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic.  I am among the legions of road warriors that have been transformed into desk jockeys.  I miss the days of meeting with customers.  Like many, I have now moved to staring into my webcam and meeting in the two-dimensional world.  

With our Outside-In focus it was only natural for me to invert the focus from selling to buying and consider how buyers are now buying differently.  So, leveraging our research approaches, we talked to buyers about their world.  We asked them about their challenges, how they are working with sales teams, and what advice they would have for salespeople.  As ever, what we heard was insightful and provided clear direction for how we must think of selling differently.  I soon realized that learning how to use Zoom, or the like, effectively is only a small component of how we need to effectively transform from three-dimensional to two-dimensional sellers.  The article we have just published shares some of our findings and recommendations.  I am also pleased to share that we have developed a training program that builds upon this Outside-In, customer-centric view of the new world.  Just let me know if you would be interested in the details of the program or any further insight gained from our research.  Also, share your own thoughts on adjusting from 3D to 2D selling. You can view the offering and download the course description here.  If you have any questions for us, on virtual sales or otherwise, feel free to contact us using the email box below.

– Martyn Lewis, CEO & Founder of Market-Partners Inc.

Written by Market-Partners Inc.
Posted February 18, 2021

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