On Wednesday, June 21st, Market-Partners Inc. CEO and Founder Martyn Lewis will be cohosting a webinar with Seismic President and CRO Hayden E. Stafford. This will be a must-see event for Seismic users! Click here to register.

Seismic is more than just technology. It represents a new way to sell. While many tools can help organizations sell more efficiently, Seismic is unparalleled when it comes to selling more effectively; instead of doing outdated sales faster, Seismic allows for truly transformative and intelligent management of the customer conversation. That said, the switch to modern, customer-centric selling doesn’t just “happen.” The full adoption of Seismic and transformation of your sales approach requires clarity of vision, careful change management, and stakeholder alignment – but the results speak for themselves.

In this conversation with Seismic President Hayden Stafford, Market-Partners Inc. CEO and Founder Martyn Lewis will explain why and how you should tap into the transformational capabilities of Seismic to meet the needs of today’s buyers. Then, Martyn will share his 5 best practices and 5 common hurdles he has seen in his engagements with Seismic customers, followed by an open Q&A with Hayden and Martyn.

Key Takeaways

  • How to tap into Seismic’s transformational capabilities and meet the needs of today’s buyers
  • How to overcome the 5 common hurdles of Seismic adoption
  • How to drive transformative, intelligent management of the customer conversation
Written by Market-Partners Inc.
Posted June 6, 2023
Announcement, Blog, Epicenter, Event, Seismic

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