
“The Center of Technology Enabled Selling.” This page is our archive of previous issues of Epicenter. Want articles straight to your inbox early? Register for Epicenter today using the link below to receive the current issue as well as future releases each month.

Sales Efficiency vs Sales Effectiveness

Sales Efficiency vs Sales Effectiveness

Efficiency and effectiveness are two of the most overused words in the business lexicon. It seems almost any sales approach can help you achieve both… but is that really true? At its core, efficiency refers to doing what we do, but in a manner that is faster or...

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Why Nobody Looks at Your Great Collateral

Why Nobody Looks at Your Great Collateral

As sales and marketing professionals, technology can give us unprecedented visibility into what our buyers are really doing: when they are visiting, what they are clicking on, what they are reading, and hopefully which parts of our messaging is resonating. Although...

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Seismic Tips: Engage with Digital Sales Rooms

Seismic Tips: Engage with Digital Sales Rooms

You have engaged with a prospect that is in an active buying journey. Congratulations! But now the real works begins. Knowing that they are likely already talking to your competition too, how do you stand out and remain not only relevant but unique? Seismic’s Digital...

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The Need for Change Management

The Need for Change Management

You have probably heard the phrase, “the only constant is change,” countless times before. But despite how engrained those five words have become in our culture – does anyone really like change? While society can appear obsessed with new technologies and processes,...

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Leaving Behind Clickbait

Leaving Behind Clickbait

Technology is truly a wonderful thing, isn’t it? Our cell phones alone allow us to do things that 100 years ago would have been seen as nothing short of a miracle. And when we apply these great advances to the disciplines of sales and marketing, we often see similarly...

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How to Map a Buying Journey

How to Map a Buying Journey

Let’s start with a quick focus on why mapping the buying journey is important. Simply put, in today’s world the concept of trying to pull a prospect through your sales process, or even your lead nurturing process, is sadly outdated. That’s not the way today’s buyer...

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