Market-Partners Inc. Events

 We are subject matter experts, invited to speak at global conferences, forward-thinking businesses, and esteemed universities about our innovative research and perspectives. You can register for our public events on LinkedIn. Follow us to receive updates for our latest 30-30 micro-workshops and guest appearances.

Speeches and Keynotes

We can work with you to tailor a speech for any audience, from small gatherings at meetings to large crowds at conventions. Our speeches are both entertaining and insightful with many real-life examples and always a focus on the practical takeaways that can make an immediate impact.

Examples of our speeches include:

How Customers Buy…& Why They Don’t

  • What is a Customer Buying Journey?
  • The difference between window shopping and buying
  • Decoding the Customer Buying Journey DNA
  • What really happens when customers buy… and why they don’t
  • The 4Q quadrant model of Buying Style
  • The nine categories of Buying Concerns

The 7 Sales Myths, and What to Do About Them

  • Calling high and finding the decision maker
  • Mistaking interest for commitment
  • The power of the ROI
  • Customers buying when no one is selling
  • Sellers selling when no one is buying
  • Relying on the internal champion or coach
  • Failing to manage the entire Buying Journey

The Critical Need for a Market Engagement Strategy

  • The mousetrap myth
  • Great sales people are not enough
  • What is a market anyway?
  • Where great brands go to die
  • The executive must own the Market Engagement Strategy
  • How the Market Engagement Strategy dictates the values and priorities of the brand

Featured Speaking Engagements

Latest and Upcoming Events From Market-Partners Inc.

30-30 | Forecasting: Misery to Mastery

30-30 | Forecasting: Misery to Mastery

On December 17th, Market-Partners Inc. CEO and Founder, Martyn Lewis, hosted a virtual micro-workshop sharing the results of some of our most valuable forecasting studies and surveys, giving you new insight into the circumstances creating forecasting discrepancies –...

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30-30: Reconnecting Sellers to Buyers

30-30: Reconnecting Sellers to Buyers

On October 28th, Market-Partners Inc. Principal and Founder, Martyn Lewis, hosted a virtual micro-workshop focused on developing more precise and effective market messaging, as well as enabling sales to connect with, and maintain more valued and trusted relationships,...

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30-30: Myth and Magic of the Sales Funnel

30-30: Myth and Magic of the Sales Funnel

On September 14th, Market-Partners Inc. CEO and Founder, Martyn Lewis, hosted a virtual micro-workshop covering the myths and faulty assumptions behind most sales funnel structures – and demonstrated the true magic of what this tool should do for your business! This...

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